Is Endometriosis Discharge Normal And What Discharge Means

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Melissa Thompson, PT, DPT, MTC

Dr. Thompson is board certified and the owner of Louisiana Pelvic Health. Her expertise is in alleviating bladder, bowel, and sexual pain symptoms during pregnancy, postpartum, and throughout a woman's life.


Have you been diagnosed with endometriosis and wondering if the discharge you have is something you should be concerned about? 

Maybe you’ve recently noticed you have more discharge than normal and want to know what it means. 

Questioning why your discharge changes throughout the month? 

We’ve got you covered. 

In this post, we’ll discuss if endometriosis can cause discharge, the science behind vaginal discharge, the different types, and what they could mean.

Can Endometriosis Cause Discharge?

Endometriosis typically isn’t the cause of discharge, unless the endometriosis is in the vagina itself. During different times of the month, it is completely common to be having some form of discharge. 

In fact, in a way, your vagina is similar to a self-cleaning oven. 

Yep. You read that right. 

Your vagina cleans itself regularly. 

Glands around your cervix create small amounts of fluid. These fluids help rid your reproductive tract of old cells and unwanted bacteria. This fluid is often referred to as vaginal discharge. 

Oftentimes, with endometriosis, you may experience the opposite. Vaginal dryness, or a lack of discharge

Chiavaye can help. We’ve created a product that can help keep you comfortable.

There are some instances where your endometriosis might be to blame. Discharge can come in many different colors and forms. 

Let’s take a look at the different types of discharge and if they are related to your endometriosis.

Types Of Vaginal Discharge

Most women experience some form of vaginal discharge. Some women experience it daily, others a few times a month. 

Can endometriosis cause certain types of discharge?

What could different types of discharge mean?

(At Chiavaye we do not claim to be doctors. Please contact your physician with any concerns.)

Can Endometriosis Cause Brown Discharge?

One common question some doctors ask when looking for symptoms of endometriosis is: 

“Do you have brown discharge before your period starts?” 

The reason for this question is because, sometimes, endometriosis can cause brown discharge.

What A Brown Discharge Can Mean

Most of the time, brown discharge is a form of spotting. 

Brown discharge is usually blood mixed with mucus. A lot of the time, brown discharge is just old blood leaving the uterus. 

Since spotting between periods is common in women with endometriosis, endometriosis could be the cause of your brown discharge.  

Another reason you could have brown discharge is if you are in the first trimester of pregnancy

Possible reasons for brown discharge during the first trimester can include:

  • Intercourse
  • Pelvic exams
  • Implantation bleeding

How To Treat A Brown Discharge

Generally, brown discharge doesn’t need treatment. 

If the brown discharge lasts weeks at a time or you are worried that something might be wrong, please contact your doctor to make sure there isn’t an underlying issue.

Can Endometriosis Cause Smelly Discharge?

Most likely not. Endometriosis has not been associated with foul-smelling discharge.

What A Smelly Discharge Can Mean

A smelly discharge can have a couple of meanings, including: 

  • Bacterial vaginosis 
  • Yeast infections
  • STDs
  • A reaction to the material of your underwear
  • pH level changes

Endometriosis typically isn’t the cause of smelly discharge.

How To Treat A Smelly Discharge

Treatment for a smelly discharge really depends on what’s causing the odor.

 If you are concerned about any odors your discharge has, contact your doctor.

Some treatments for a smelly discharge may include:

Treatment #1: Medicine

Depending on the cause, your doctor may prescribe you an oral medicine or medicine that you insert into your body vaginally.

Treatment #2: Lifestyle Changes

Although it’s unlikely that the odor of your discharge is caused by endometriosis, lifestyle choices may be to blame. 

Try making some simple changes, like:

  • Avoid wearing tight-fitting pants
  • Use a mild laundry detergent
  • Stick to cotton underwear

Talk with your doctor about any concerns you have if you are experiencing an abnormal or smelly discharge. 

(At Chiavaye we do not claim to be doctors. Please contact your physician with any concerns.)

Can Endometriosis Cause White Discharge?

Although you may experience some changes in your discharge, it is unlikely that endometriosis is the cause of white discharge.

What A White Discharge Can Mean

Thin, white or transparent discharge, sometimes referred to as leukorrhea, is considered normal. 

Discharge that is white like an eggshell is usually a sign that you are about to ovulate. This type of discharge helps in the fertilization process of an egg and a sperm. 

If you experience any itching, odor, or cottage cheese-like clumps of discharge, contact your physician.

How To Treat A White Discharge

White discharge generally doesn’t need to be treated, unless it’s accompanied by itching, odor, or a cottage cheese-like texture. 

If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your physician.

Can Endometriosis Cause Yellow Discharge?

Endometriosis usually does not cause yellow discharge. 

Yellow discharge can occur for a number of reasons. Let's take a look at a few:

What A Yellow Discharge Can Mean

You’ve gone to the bathroom and you notice your underwear has a bit of dried, yellow discharge. Instantly, you’re worried. Should you be?

It depends. 

A normal discharge may look yellow when it dries. So, a clear discharge may appear yellow after drying. There’s no cause for concern if this is the case. 

Is your period due?

Some women experience yellow discharge a few days before their period. 

This is because your body starts producing more mucus right before your period. 

The yellow discharge may also be a mix of mucus and a very tiny bit of menstrual blood. 

Bacterial infections can also be to blame for yellow discharge. 

Other causes of yellow discharge include STD’s like trichomoniasis or gonorrhea.

Symptoms include: 

  • Itching and irritation
  • Discharge that is greenish-(dark) yellow
  • Discharge that is frothy/foamy
  • Vaginal odor or smelly discharge
  • Severe abdominal cramping (rarely)

How To Treat A Yellow Discharge

If you are experiencing yellow discharge a few days prior to your period with no other symptoms, treatment most likely isn’t necessary.

But, in some cases, yellow discharge is due to infection. In these instances, there are treatments available.

If you are experiencing yellow discharge due to an infection like trichomoniasis, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

(At Chiavaye we do not claim to be doctors. Please contact your physician with any concerns.)

Is Endometriosis Watery Discharge Normal?

Watery discharge isn’t usually caused by endometriosis. Most of the time, watery discharge is completely normal. 

The three main causes of watery discharge are:

  1. Ovulation
  2. Sexual arousal
  3. Exercise

What A Watery Discharge Can Mean

When should you be concerned about watery discharge? 

Great question! 

If you experience a discharge that is watery, grey in color, and has a foul smell, you may have an infection. 

Contact your doctor to figure out the best treatment options.

How To Improve Vaginal Health

Vaginal discharge helps to keep your lady bits clean. It helps by balancing the good bacteria and getting rid of the bad stuff.  

Our bodies are capable of many amazing things on their own, aren’t they? 

Although the vagina is pretty good at taking care of itself, there are ways you can improve your vaginal health: 

  • Don’t douche
  • Keep things as dry as possible
  • Wipe from front to back 
  • Steer clear of fancy scented soaps 
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Wear cotton underwear

Maintain A Healthy Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial to helping your body function properly —even your vagina. 

Drinking six to eight glasses of water a day can help prevent bacterial infections because you’re helping flush out bad bacteria. 

Yeast thrives in warm, sweet, and moist environments. So, eating too much sugar can increase your chances of yeast infections.

Not only is a healthy diet great for your vaginal health, but it can decrease the symptoms associated with endometriosis.


Probiotics are a great thing for gut health, but what if I told you they could benefit your vagina’s health, too?

Lactobacilli is a strain of bacteria that already lives in your vagina. This bacteria helps your vagina stay at a healthy pH

Adding them into your diet can help keep certain parts of your body, like your gut and your vagina, working properly. 

Try incorporating more fermented foods into your diet, like:

  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kombucha
  • And pickles

Probiotics may even help reduce some of your endometriosis symptoms.

Chiavaye Endometriosis Relief

As someone who’s had to deal with endometriosis for far too long, I want you to know that there are things you can do to manage your endometriosis. 

If you’re someone who is experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Vaginal dryness 
  • Pain with sex
  • Severe cramping
  • Heavy periods 

I urge you to speak with your healthcare provider about figuring out the cause of your symptoms.

If you’ve already been diagnosed with endo, I want you to know all of us at Chiaveye are here for you. There are many different treatments out there. 

All-natural lubricants or moisturizers (like the one we’ve created), lifestyle changes, and natural treatments can help you manage your symptoms.

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