What's In Your Lube?
Pure & Natural
Your skin isn't a barrier, it's a filter. What you put on it will end up IN your body! This is especially true of vaginal skin, which is highly absorbent. We use 6 holistic ingredients and zero chemicals. Each ingredient has been chosen to provide a full spectrum of benefits and nourishment to your most delicate skin. With Chiavaye, you can feel confident about giving your body the best!
Sex After Chemo
We are thrilled to be chosen by Dr. Barb Depree as a recommended lubricant & personal moisturizer to use after chemo or cancer. Helping women when it counts the most! Sex after chemo is a big deal. Vaginal dryness, irritation, discomfort, and painful intercourse are all common side effects.
Our chemical-free, holistic healing ingredients are essential for vaginal skin especially since putting any toxins back into the body is dangerous after chemo.