How To Increase Fertility For Women With Endometriosis

You’re terrified. You want to have a child so badly and you’re nervous it’ll never happen.

You’ve gone to a fertility clinic. You’ve tried a couple of different treatments. And still nothing.

But, there’s hope. There are things that you (and your partner) can do to dramatically increase your likelihood of getting pregnant. 

This guide shares real, actionable things you can do to get pregnant (plus, it shares some hope - keep your head up!). 

Tips For Getting Pregnant With Endometriosis: It Starts With Your Diet & Health

Diet For Fertility:

There’s a strong link between diet and fertility. 

A recent study states that:

“There is strong evidence that healthy preconception dietary patterns among both men and women of reproductive age have a beneficial effect on fertility.”
Even Harvard confidently states that there’s a strong connection between diet and fertility.

Health For Fertility:

A woman and her partner’s health can impact their fertility levels. 

Mayo Clinic, one of the world’s leaders in the medical field, argues that there are lifestyle choices you can make that will positively impact your fertility. In the same vein, there are lifestyle choices that can have a negative impact on your health (whether it be your liver health, gut health, mental health, etc) and consequently lower your likelihood of getting pregnant. 

Diet To Help Reduce Endometriosis And Increase Fertility

How Can The Endo Diet Help Fertility?

  • Anti-inflammatory: There is research that shows a positive link between fertility and inflammation. If you’re struggling getting pregnant, lowering inflammation may be beneficial. 
  • And, the endometriosis diet is designed around eating anti-inflammatory foods and avoiding foods that are known to cause inflammation.

  • Few refined carbs: Refined carbs are known to impact hormone levels. How? These refined carbs take up a ton of insulin. And when insulin is being used up at such a high rate, it can negatively impact ovulation which can reduce your chances of getting pregnant.
  • The endometriosis diet focuses on completely removing refined carbohydrates to eat cleaner carbs that your body has an easier time processing.

  • Antioxidant-Rich: While there is currently not scientific data that proves that an antioxidant-rich diet can increase fertility, there is promising up-and-coming research that will likely prove it soon.
  • The endometriosis diet promotes fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants, like: spinach, blueberries, strawberries, and more.

    Other Tips To Increase Fertility

    Mental Health

    There is research that claims that psychological factors do not have a link to decreasing fertility. While this is good news for the modern woman who is more likely to be stressed, there’s more to the story…

    Over 70% of women believe that mental health issues can negatively affect their fertility levels.

    So, there’s one side of the story where science says that mental health cannot affect fertility levels. Then, there’s the other side of the story where women strongly believe that it will affect their ability to get pregnant.

    And, now, the story gets even more complicated. 

    Recent research shares that the mind is EXTREMELY powerful and that our thoughts and beliefs could influence physiological manifestations in our body. To simplify this: women who believe that mental health issues could affect their fertility may, through the power of their beliefs, negatively affect their fertility. 

    Emotional Health

    Experts from Harvard have found out that about one half of all infertility cases had a physical origin and the remaining 50% were the result of unexplained psychosomatic problems in women. 

    In short, emotional health is extremely important to your fertility.

    What can you do to boost your emotional health?

    1. Get Active: Physical activity has been shown to increase endorphins and positively impact emotional well-being.

    2. Practice mindfulness: The act of meditation or mindfulness has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and positively influence emotional health. 

    3. Visit a therapist: Therapists are highly trained to uncover underlying problems that may be inhibiting your emotional well-being.

    Physical Health

    There are multiple physical factors that can negatively influence your fertility rates. 

    1. Obesity’s Negative Impact On Fertility: A recent medical study determined that “obesity can be a disruptor of the female fertility” - if you’re overweight, then it’s important to do your best to eat healthy and get to a healthier weight in order to increase obesity.

    2. Environmental Factors That Have Physical Repercussions: Environmental factors, like mold, bacteria, WiFi, radiation, and more can have negative effects on your physical health, which can then negatively impact fertility levels. 

    Your Partner’s Mental, Emotional, & Physical Health

    Men cause ⅓ of infertility problems.

    Women cause another ⅓ of infertility problems and then ⅓ of infertility problems have unknown causes.

    Men are equally influenced by diet, emotional health, physical health, and more. If your partner is struggling with any of these things, consider talking with them and sharing how impactful making lifestyle changes in their life would be for your future child’s health and well-being.

    Pregnancy Is A Journey, Not An Event: Pass On The Right Genes

    Dr. Rhonda Patrick is a genius. If you’re looking to gain insights on health and wellness, then we definitely recommend following her.

    She recently was on Joe Rogan’s podcast and shared data that men & women who are overweight, highly stressed, etc can actually pass on negative genes to their children. 

    This video shares more information.

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