Peanuts and Endometriosis: Should You Avoid Peanuts On The Endo Diet?

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Melissa Thompson, PT, DPT, MTC

Dr. Thompson is board certified and the owner of Louisiana Pelvic Health. Her expertise is in alleviating bladder, bowel, and sexual pain symptoms during pregnancy, postpartum, and throughout a woman's life.



A lot of women who follow an endometriosis diet consider it to be a "variation" of the paleo diet.

And the paleo diet is NOT a fan of peanuts.

So, here are some of the questions you're asking yourself:

  • Can you eat peanuts on the endometriosis diet?
  • Are peanuts healthy for you?
  • Will peanuts make my endometriosis symptoms worse?

This guide will share everything you need to know about peanuts and the endometriosis diet. By the end of this guide, you'll know if you should be eating peanuts or not. 

Are Peanuts Healthy For You?

Peanuts are confusing...

Some people say that peanuts can be very beneficial for the human body because: 

  • They are usually low in fat, has no cholesterol.
  • They are rich in magnesium, iron, potassium, and folate. 
  • Peanuts have soluble and insoluble fiber. 

But, here's the issue...

Many people are allergic to peanuts. And, that doesn't mean they have to be so allergic they need an epi-pen. People can have a slight allergy to peanuts that they may not even know exists.

Over the last couple of decades, people with peanut allergies have doubled. 

That's kinda weird, huh? So, while there's no conclusive evidence on why this is happening, it could be due to the quality of the peanuts out there. 

Many peanuts contain aflatoxin, lectins, and more. 

Peanut Nutrients: What Nutrients Do Peanuts


Peanuts, though tiny, have a number of different nutritions. They have certain vitamins and minerals, fiber, and offer plant-based protein.

Here are the main nutrients peanuts have:

1. Protein

The amount of protein per 100g of peanuts is 25.8g, which is about half of a person's daily nutrient requirement.

In adults, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein is 46g for women, and 56g for men. This nutrient is important for reproduction and repairing body cells, and the amount of protein a person needs will mostly depend based on age and activity level.

2. Healthy Fats

Not all fats are dangerous! In fact, some of them have a positive effect on a person’s health.

Most of the healthy fats found in peanuts are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

According to the American Health Association, proper consumption of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats instead of saturated and trans fats helps in improving blood cholesterol levels, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Chemicals In Peanuts: Be Wary Of The Quality...

Unfortunately, there are lots of chemicals in peanuts today. This is due to the quality of the peanuts on the market. Instead of being farmed organically, most peanuts are GMO (and most peanut butter is very GMO) and loaded with pesticides and chemicals. 

1. Aflatoxins:

These toxins are due to a type of fungi that are found in certain crops. One of those crops being peanuts. 

These toxins are known to cause cancer and should be avoided.

2. Pesticides:

Most peanuts are HEAVILY sprayed with pesticides. And often there can be pesticide residue from dozens of different types of pesticides at the time of consumption.

Many of these pesticides are known to be carcinogenic, affect reproductive systems and more. 

Peanuts Are Legumes - Why Does This Matter?

Peanuts are legumes, yes. Legumes are anything with a pod or seed, like beans, peas, etc.

High Levels of Lectins and Phytic Acid

Peanuts (especially conventionally grown peanuts) have a high level of lectins and phytic acid.

So, what do lectins and phytic acid do to your body?

Lectins cannot be digested by the body. And, when you consume peanuts, your body tries to filter them to the best of its ability. In the process, it could damage your gut wall and create other issues.

Phytic acid is a component in peanuts that does not allow your body to fully absorb the nutrients in the food. 

GMO vs. Organic Sprouted & Fermented Peanuts

If you're going to choose to eat peanuts, we highly recommend that you eat organically grown peanuts that are sprouted and fermented.

Conventionally grown peanuts, as discussed above, have high levels of lectins, phytic acids, and pesticides that can damage your health.

Organically grown peanuts are not going to have any pesticide residue. Also, when peanuts are sprouted and fermented, they have significantly lower levels of lectins and phytic acid, making them much healthier for you. 

Every Woman’s Body Is Different - Test To See If Your Body Agrees With Peanuts Or Not 

Peanuts agree with some women's bodies. 

On the other hand, peanuts can leave some women feeling bloated with an upset stomach.

So, here's the ultimate test:

Try peanuts. 

Well, there's more to it than that.

For 2-3 days, eat a clean diet (food that you know agrees with you). Then, on the second or third day, eat some peanuts. Don't eat a lot - a small handful will do.

Then, see how you feel 30 minutes later. 3 hours later. The next day.

If you feel okay, then you can probably consider adding peanuts to your diet. 

Quick Overview Of The Endometriosis Diet

The endo diet is created with its initial protocol: Anti-inflammatory, gluten-free, soy-free, and dairy free.

Which means the diet is composed of foods that help in alleviating endo symptoms. Some foods can cause pain and inflammation that only heighten the symptoms. 

The endo diet has helped many women with this condition. You may want to try it and see how it will help you.

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