Potatoes and Endometriosis: Should You Avoid Potatoes On The Endo Diet?

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Melissa Thompson, PT, DPT, MTC

Dr. Thompson is board certified and the owner of Louisiana Pelvic Health. Her expertise is in alleviating bladder, bowel, and sexual pain symptoms during pregnancy, postpartum, and throughout a woman's life. 



A lot of women who follow an endometriosis diet consider it to be a "variation" of the paleo diet.

And some people on the paleo diet are not a fan of white potatoes. They'll eat sweet potatoes every single day, but not white potatoes.

So, here are some of the questions you're probably asking yourself:

  • Can you eat potatoes on the endometriosis diet?
  • Are potatoes healthy for you?
  • Will potatoes make my endometriosis symptoms worse?

This guide will share everything you need to know about potatoes and the endometriosis diet. After reading this guide, you'll know if you should be eating potatoes or not. 

Are Potatoes Healthy For You?

Well, there's conflicting evidence out there. Particularly in the paleo community (and I know a lot of women on the endometriosis diet consider it to be a "variation" of paleo).

The nutrients in this plant (namely phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals, and fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals) can provide benefits to your health.

But, this is at a macro level for all people - women with endometriosis usually feel better on a tailored diet that is different from the rest of Americans (who eat bread, pizza, cake, and ice cream quite often).

Potato Nutrients: What Nutrients Do Potatoes Have?

Potatoes are low in calories and have other nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, and other minerals.

A 100g or 3.5oz. serving of potato is a bit more than half of a medium-sized one -- and with this much white potato, when baked baked skin, contains:

  • 94 cal.
  • 0.15g of fat
  • 0g of cholesterol
  • 21.08g of carbs
  • 2.1g of dietary fiber
  • 2.10g of protein
  • 10mg of calcium
  • 0.64mg of iron
  • 27mg of magnesium
  • 75mg of phosphorus
  • 544mg of potassium
  • 12.6mg of vitamin C
  • 0.211mg of vitamin B6
  • 38mcg (micrograms) of folate

Potatoes also have zinc, choline, and niacin, and are found in different portions that have slightly varied nutrients. 

Chemicals In Potatoes: Be Wary Of The Quality 

Recent reserach by the USDA (yes, a government agency...) has found that there can be a variety of chemicals on your potatoes.

Well, more than just a "variety" of chemicals. They found more than 35 chemicals on conventionally grown potatoes...

– 6 are well-known to be carcinogenic

– 12 are likely to disrupt hormones and the endocrine system 

– 7 are known to be neurotoxins

– 6 are toxins that affect the developmental or reproductive systems

So, what does this mean?

It means that the QUALITY of the potatoes you eat is really, really important.

GMO vs. Organic Potatoes

Yes, GMO potatoes exist and are being sold around the country right now. But, what does this mean? Are GMO potatoes unhealthy?

GMO potatoes, particularly the white russet potatoes, have recently been moved to the High-Risk List. 

Are organic potatoes healthier?

In short, yes.

Organic potatoes contain a higher content of minerals that are known to be healthy. Sure, GMO potatoes might contain some of those same nutrients, but they contain SIGNIFICANTLY less than organically grown potatoes.

Organic potatoes also have higher levels of vitamin C, iron, and much more. 

Every Woman’s Body Reacts To Food Differently - Test To See If Your Body Feels Good After Eating Potatoes

While organic potatoes are shown to be healthy, it really doesn't matter...

Here's why:

Sally can eat organic potatoes and feel AMAZING. But, Rachel can eat organic potatoes and feel bloated, upset, and lethargic.

The point is this:

Every woman reacts to potatoes differently.

So, it's up to you to determine if eating potatoes makes you feel better or worse. But, just make sure to buy organically grown potatoes.  

So, Should You Eat Potatoes on the Endometriosis Diet?

Again, it depends on how you feel!

Plant-based diets, according to Harvard Medical School's research, "Offer all the necessary protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals for optimal health, and are often higher in fiber and phytonutrients.” 

How to Manage Endometriosis Through the Endo Diet

Eating foods the way you used to won’t allow you to heal and feel better.

It's like the old saying: "If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always gotten."


That's why the endo diet has helped so many women: it's designed to help fight the pain by alleviating it by eating all-natural, healthy foods.

That means you'll have to stop eating the old unhealthy foods you used to love.

What is the endo diet?

The endo diet is comprised of foods that are anti-inflammatory, healing, and healthy - which helps reduce the symptoms caused by endometriosis. 

And that means eating only whole foods to ensure the benefits in managing the symptoms.

What are your first 3 steps to being successful on the endo diet?

There are a couple of simple ways to get started on the endometriosis diet to start the healing process.

  1. Go through your pantry & fridge and remove all non-endometriosis friendly foods (gluten, sugar, etc)
  2. Check out our free 21-day endometriosis recipe plan - this will make your life easier so you don't have to even think about recipes or grocery shopping. Everything is already done for you. 
  3. Go shopping, start cooking, and find a community of people to keep you accountable!


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