Vaginal Burning After Sex: What’s the Issue?
Heat and spice in the bedroom are nice, but not when they follow you the next morning.
If you found yourself feeling uncomfortable after your last intimate encounter, you might be wondering “is it normal for your vagina to burn after sex?”
Welcome to the judgment-free safe space you need to get to the bottom of your predicament. This guide will help you understand the potential causes of your current issue as well as what you can do to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Keep reading to find out the six most common causes of a burning vagina after sex.
Table of Contents
- 6 Common Reasons Your Vagina Burns After Sex
- #1: Lack of Natural Lubrication
- #2: Dryness Caused by Hormonal Changes
- #3: Sensitivity Caused by Medical Conditions
- #4: Irritation Caused by Infections
- #5: Allergies to Products You Use
- #6: Rough or Vigorous Sex
- Prevent a Burning Vagina After Sex With Chiavaye All-Natural Personal Moisturizer & Lubricant

6 Common Reasons Your Vagina Burns After Sex
If you find yourself feeling burning and pain after sex, you’re probably asking “why is my vagina burning after sex?”
Here’s the deal. Vaginal burning after sex is common, but it is not normal. Multiple causes might have led you to this moment. Thankfully, there are also some great ways to prevent future unpleasantness.
#1: Lack of Natural Lubrication
The female body is designed to produce a natural lubricant when aroused. If you’ve ever felt yourself getting a little frisky, you may have noticed that you also felt wetness in your lady parts. This is your body’s natural method of preparing for sexual intercourse.
Unfortunately, our bodies can be fickle things, and natural lubrication is not always produced. In many cases, this shouldn’t be a huge concern since it can be due to multiple different external factors such as:
- Eating a salty meal
- Recent travel that has thrown off your natural flora
- Dehydration (no, that nice glass of wine didn’t help)
- Stress
Not getting “wet” enough doesn’t mean you’re not in the mood or that you aren’t into your partner . Natural lubrication in vaginas ebbs and flows — no pun intended — and that is totally okay.
If your vagina feels like a hibachi grill after sex, the most common reason is that there just wasn’t enough lubrication.
When two objects rub against each other, they naturally create heat and friction. When there is enough lubrication involved, these sensations can be incredible. Without lubrication, it can be downright miserable.
Forcing a penis — or any other object, for that matter — into a vagina that isn’t properly lubricated will almost always be unpleasant and could lead to burning later on.
If your body isn’t producing enough lubricant, try incorporating a safe and natural lube into your next sexual experience.
I created Chiavaye because I realized that women need better lubrication options.
Chiavaye is made with all-natural ingredients that are safe and nourishing for all of your whole “down there”. Chiavaye is non-toxic and edible because — let’s face it — in most cases, if you wouldn’t put it in your mouth, you probably shouldn’t put it in your vagina, either.
#2: Dryness Caused by Hormonal Changes
Your body has experienced hormonal changes ever since that fateful day in sixth grade when your uterus first introduced you to the wonders of womanhood.
Did you know that these hormonal changes can do more than simply turn you into a totally different person once a month? Hormonal changes can also lead to vaginal dryness.
Your Menstrual Cycle
You already know that there are a million different signs that aunt flow is about to pull into town. You’re may be dealing with:
- Intense chocolate cravings
- Feeling like an MMA fighter is trying to punch their way out of your uterus
- The sudden inability to keep yourself from sobbing when you see a cute puppy
- A weird or “off” feeling in your vulva
But what many women don’t realize is that it can be to blame for the burning they are dealing with after sex. In the few days before your period, especially, you may find that your vagina and vulva experience dryness.
This is typically thanks to low estrogen levels.
If your vagina is dry and you don’t supplement with a good lubricant, you are likely to find yourself experiencing some pain and discomfort during and after sex.
The Contraception You Use
Hormonal birth control often leaves your hormone levels in complete disarray. This can affect your body’s ability to create natural lubrication, leading to a dry vagina.
If your contraception leaves your vagina dry, you might want to consider talking to your doctor about changing birth control methods or adding lube into your intimacy routine.
Childbirth and Nursing
Childbirth and nursing throw your hormones all over the place. Especially in women who choose to breastfeed, postpartum estrogen levels tend to be lower, leading to vaginal dryness.
Again, if you’re feelin’ it postpartum (don’t forget to wait for the all-clear from your doctor) make sure you and your partner use a good lubricant.
Unfortunately, the hormone seesaw doesn’t stop as soon as your grays come in.
Roughly one-third of women who go through “the change” experience vaginal dryness.
If your golden years have left you with some subpar sexual encounters, it might be time to pull out your trusty bottle of natural lubricant.

#3: Sensitivity Caused by Medical Conditions
For some women, medical conditions can lead to sensitivity in the vagina and the surrounding area. There are multiple conditions that might lead to a burning sensation in the vagina after sex. We will get into these in just a minute.
While each of these conditions has different treatment needs, having a soothing lubricant on hand can help reduce discomfort, even after sex. Chiavaye is designed with sensitive vaginas in mind.
With only six ingredients, Chiavaye is more than just lube. Our carefully selected ingredients, such as coconut oil and almond oil, help to soothe and nourish dry vaginal tissue without introducing harsh chemicals or unnatural substances to your most delicate areas.
Vulvodynia refers to hypersensitivity of the nerves in the vulva. This can occur for a number of reasons and can leave you feeling intense discomfort both during and after the act.
Vaginismus affects the vagina’s ability to receive penetration by just about any outside object, including:
- Penises
- Fingers
- Toys
- Tampons
Vaginismus occurs when the vaginal muscles contract, making it incredibly difficult — or nearly impossible — for the penis to enter without severe discomfort and pain.
This condition is typically due to fear, rational or otherwise, of vaginal penetration or genital contact. It can be caused by a traumatic experience or even a negative understanding of sexual intercourse.
Thankfully, a pelvic floor therapist can often offer some assistance. Vaginismus can make having a sex life difficult but healing is entirely possible.
Interstitial Cystitis
Causing bladder pressure and pain, interstitial cystitis can leave you feeling a good deal of discomfort after sex.
There is no one known cause for this condition and treatments range from medication to physical therapy.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is an infection that affects a female’s reproductive organs. PID is caused by a variety of bacteria and can result from contracting an STD — most commonly gonorrhea or chlamydia.
Before you panic, take a deep breath. A solid round of antibiotics typically takes care of PID.
Always make sure that you are practicing safe sex. Use condoms and ask your partners about their sexual histories to ensure they are safe people to have sex with.
You don’t want to accidentally get a little more from them than you bargained for.
#4: Irritation Caused by Infections
Vaginas are not impervious to infection and those infections can lead to some serious pain and discomfort.
Vaginitis is a broad umbrella for several uncomfortable conditions, the most common of which are yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.
Nothing ruins a good day like a yeast infection. The burning and itching can be enough to make you wish you’d never had sex in the first place.
Experiencing bacterial vaginosis from an imbalance of your vagina’s natural bacterium isn’t much fun either.
If you find yourself experiencing one of these conditions, don’t lose hope. While the issue may resolve itself, a quick visit to your doctor and some antibiotics can go a long way in speeding up the process and helping your vagina get back to its normal, healthy self.
Urinary Tract Infections
Say the letters U-T-I and every woman in a five-block radius is bound to involuntarily shudder.
Women have shorter urethras than men, which creates a more direct path for unwanted bacteria to make their way into the bladder and kidneys. If these uninvited guests complete their journey, their new host might find herself experiencing intense burning sensations and pain, especially when peeing.
If you think you may have contracted a UTI, you should visit your doctor and let them know what’s happening. In many cases, they will prescribe some antibiotics and encourage you to drink a ton of water. In some cases, you may need to stay a night or two in the hospital while things clear up.
Some common causes of UTIs include:
- Forgetting to pee after sex (yes, it is important, and yes, you should do it EVERY SINGLE TIME!)
- Pregnancy
- Poor hygiene (wipe front to back, people. Front to back.)
- Age
- A previous UTI
- Underlying conditions such as endometriosis
- Changes in the bacteria in your vagina (another reason to use a natural lube that won’t irritate your privates)
Sexually Transmitted Infections
While no one really wants to talk about it, STIs often cause an intense burning sensation in your genitals.
If your vagina is already sensitive due to an STI, sexual intercourse will exacerbate the issue and may lead to even more pain.
Always practice safe sex and get yourself tested regularly if you are sexually active.
#5: Allergies to Products You Use
As women, we get the importance of using high-quality products on our skin. From pricey face soaps to bougie creams and serums, caring for our skin and making sure we aren’t allergic to anything we use takes a good bit of priority in our lives.
But, often, we forget that our vaginas like nice things, too. Vaginas can have allergic reactions to a variety of bedroom-related — and non-bedroom-related — things such as:
- Lubes
- Spermicides
- Condoms
- Sex toys
- Laundry detergent
- Personal cleansers
- Feminine hygiene products
This is why it is so essential to make sure you know what is in the things you are putting on — and in — your vagina.
Finding ways to eliminate harmful chemicals was one of the reasons I created Chiavaye. As a woman with endometriosis, lube was once my worst enemy. Harmful ingredients exacerbated symptoms and left me feeling awful. Making the switch to natural ingredients was a game-changer.
If you experience reactions to your lube or personal moisturizer, it might be time to give Chiavey a shot.
#6: Rough or Vigorous Sex
While some slow and gentle action can sometimes be exactly what you are craving, other times, having vigorous — or even rough — sex can be just what you needed.
But, if you find yourself experiencing vaginal burning after a particular spicy evening, it could be a sign that your vagina didn’t have quite as much fun as the rest of you did.
Sex can be really taxing and tough!
In fact, for vaginal tissue, sex can be a kind intense activity. All of the movement and friction can lead to microscopic rips and tears in the vaginal tissue and these tend to burn, much like a paper cut.
Thankfully, a protective layer of lubricant can often reduce or eliminate this unwanted side effect.
Prevent a Burning Vagina After Sex With All-Natural Chiavaye Personal Moisturizer & Lubricant
If you’re trying to find a way to reduce the burning outside the bedroom without turning down the heat inside the bedroom, look no further than Chiavaye, the easy to use, all-natural personal moisturizer and lubricant.
Whether your body has never failed to create the perfect amount of lubrication or your vagina is drier than the Sahara, Chiavaye can help. With natural, nourishing, and completely edible ingredients, Chiavaye is the perfect lubricant for your most sensitive places.
Gone are the days of hoping the random tube of strawberry lube does its job.
Click below to revolutionize your sex life with Chiavaye.