How to Choose Foods That Promote Vaginal Health and Keep Your Lady Parts Happy

You’re sexually responsible. 

You always attend your yearly well-woman appointment. 

And keeping “down there” clean is a top priority.

Although your vagina is pretty self-sufficient, you know how important these things are to maintaining vaginal health — but what you may not realize is just how what you put into your body plays a large role in just how healthy your lady bits are. 

Yep. There are foods that promote vaginal health and foods you may want to start avoiding. 

In this article, we’re spilling the tea on all things related to your diet and vaginal health. Keep reading to learn more. 

Table of Contents

vaginal health foods

How Can Food Affect Your Vaginal Health?

You’ve heard the saying, “you are what you eat,” and when it comes to vaginal health, the saying couldn’t ring more true. 

Foods can affect your lady bits in positive — and negative — ways. Not only can what you put into your body affect how your vagina smells and tastes, but your diet plays a significant role in your vaginal pH and the types (good and bad) of bacteria there.

But the effects don’t stop there — how foods promote vaginal health include: 

  • Reducing the intensity of cramps
  • Helping fight off infections; and 
  • Alleviating vaginal dryness 

What Foods Are Good for Vaginal Health?

Foods that promote vaginal health are those that help your body do what it’s “supposed” to do, which generally means eating a healthy, balanced, diet. 

A healthy diet = healthy lady parts.

So, if you’re looking to eat foods for a healthy vagina, your diet should consist of:

  • LOTS of water
  • Lean proteins
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits; and
  • Vegetables 
best foods for vaginal health

6 Tips for Choosing the Best Foods for Vaginal Health

Tip #1: Avoid Generally Unhealthy Foods

As with any diet, one of the best things you can do for your health — and to promote vaginal health — is to avoid making unhealthy food choices. 

But what foods are considered “harmful” to your vaginal health? Let’s take a look! 

Processed Foods

Life is busy — and while maybe you’d prefer to be getting busy, instead of cooking — those easy from-box-to-oven meals may feel like a good idea. But processed foods are usually loaded with ingredients that can be problematic to your vaginal health. 

Processed foods oppress your immune system. When this happens, your vagina can become a breeding ground for bacteria that causes itching, burning, and infection. 

If you’re looking for easy meals, consider meal prepping whole foods one day out of the week. Now, when you’re looking for a quick meal, all you have to do is open the refrigerator, pick your meal, and pop it in the microwave. 

At Chiavaye, we also believe it’s important that you know what you’re putting into your body — even when it’s not included in your diet. 

This is why we created Chiavaye, an all-natural, vegan, and hypoallergenic lubricant. No chemicals. No hormones. No unnecessary scents. 

Because your vaginal health is just as important as the rest of your body’s health, we’ve created a lubricant made up of ingredients that only nourish and benefit your body. 

vaginal health foods

Excess Alcohol 

While it’s understandable you might enjoy a drink — or two, or three — after a long week, when choosing a diet for vaginal health, it’s best to avoid drinking excess alcohol. 

Alcohol has a drying effect — it dehydrates your body quickly — and can have some harsh consequences on your lady parts. 

When you’re not adequately hydrated, your vagina may struggle to produce adequate lubrication. So getting busy after a night of drinking might not be as relaxing as you’d hope. 

Chronic drinking can also lead to problems with sexual function and a decreased sex drive.

Sugary Drinks and Foods

High sugar content foods and drinks are best to be avoided if you’re looking into a diet that promotes vaginal health. 

High sugar diets can cause your vagina to have an imbalance of bacteria — this often contributes to vaginal infections like yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. 


Yeast feasts off sugar. So, when you’re eating foods with high sugar content, you're risking your vagina’s natural ability to clean and maintain itself. 

Tip #2: Eat More Healthy Fats

Foods rich in healthy fats have received a bad rap for far too long. For women, especially, these healthy ones could even be considered essential to maintaining your health — including the health of your vagina. 

Foods like … 

  • Nuts
  • Avocados
  • Olive oil
  • Chia seeds
  • Eggs; and
  • Fish 

… help your body maintain proper estrogen levels, keeping the pH and vaginal bacteria balanced. 


Salmon and other fatty fish are foods that promote vaginal health. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish not only help reduce menstrual cramps and improve circulation and blood flow, but they can help your sex drive, too. 

Essential fatty acids, palmitoleic, linoleic, oleic, and palmitic all found in buckthorn oil, were all shown to help with vaginal dryness in postmenopausal women in a 2014 study. 

Whether you’re a fan of sushi or prefer your fish cooked, adding fatty fish to your diet two to three times a week can aid in promoting vaginal health. 


Avocados are loaded with healthy fats, potassium, and vitamin B-6, which all benefit your libido; but can also: 

  • Enhance vaginal lubrication
  • Increase estrogen levels
  • Strengthen vaginal walls; and
  • Potentially increase IVF success 

So yes, we’re recommending you order some extra guac on your next night out, all for the sake of your vaginal health. 


Eggs not only provide you with the healthy fats needed to promote vaginal health, but they also deliver the proper doses of vitamin D. 

Eating eggs regularly may promote vaginal health by: 

  • Reducing your risk for vaginal infections 
  • Improving vaginal pH levels, and 
  • Decreasing vaginal dryness 

Tip #3: Eat Leafy Greens Regularly

Leafy greens are great for promoting vaginal health. Spinach, arugula, and Swiss chard are all high in vitamin E, magnesium, and calcium — great vitamins for muscular health, even the vaginal muscles. 

Leafy greens may be some of the best vaginal health foods because they help:

  • Enhance circulation 
  • Dilate blood vessels, and even
  • Promote more frequent orgasms 

Tip #4: Don’t Forget the Fiber

High-fiber foods are full of prebiotics that boost the growth of microbiota — the good bacteria found in your vagina. These high-fiber foods that promote vaginal health include: 

  • Berries
  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Oats
  • Pears
  • Whole wheat, and 
  • Whole grains
what to eat for vagina health

Tip #5: Amp Up the Fermented Foods

Fermented foods like … 

  • Kimchi
  • Sauerkraut; and 
  • Yogurt 

… all contain live cultures that do our bodies good. They are foods that promote vaginal health because they help fight off infections and balance pH levels. 

Tip #6: Supplement With Multi-Vitamins and Minerals if Needed

Sometimes, no matter how hard we’re trying to eat foods that promote vaginal health and overall wellbeing, getting all the proper vitamins and minerals can be difficult. 

This is why we recommend opting to take a daily multivitamin. The best supplements for food that promote vaginal health include: 

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Probiotics
  • Herbal supplements
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A 
  • Calcium

foods that are good for vaginal health

Combine Vaginal Health Foods With Chiavaye as a Supplement for a Healthy Vagina

You deserve the best — and so does your vagina. 

Chiavaye daily personal moisturizer and vaginal lubricant was created to enhance your vaginal health and wellness. 

Whether you’re looking for something to help amp up your time in the bedroom, or you just need a little something to help aid in any dryness or discomfort you may be experiencing — Chiavaye was made for you. 

When you take steps to enhance your health, including eating foods that promote vaginal health and using all-natural products, like Chiavaye, you’ll be sure to feel the benefits — and your vagina will thank you for it, too. 

Ready to experience the benefits of our all-natural personal lubricant for yourself? Visit our website today or a local retailer near you. 

vaginal health foods


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