Bloated Stomach? What causes a bloated stomach and how to relieve bloating

Are you noticing that your belly is sticking out and think you’re gaining fat around your stomach?

It’s probably temporary bloating, which is caused by the accumulation of gases around your stomach, making it uncomfortably protruded. 

Bloating can feel tight, uncomfortable, and as though your stomach is overly full. Even when you haven’t eaten too much, you may experience bloating. Stomach bloating is very common. It can cause great discomfort and it can make your stomach grumble, which is quite embarrassing if you're out in public. In addition, this condition may also indicate the existence of serious health problems.

Usually, most women think that they bloat when they are full or have eaten too much; however, the problem may indicate chronic conditions outside of the norm.

What Causes Tummy Bloat?

Stomach bloating is a common condition, and there are several different reasons why your stomach may feel (and look) bloated. These may include thyroid dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, allergies, and gut problems.

In contrast to what most women think, stomach bloating isn’t the same as carrying water weight or extra fat around your abdomen. Since fluids can’t build up in your stomach, water may accumulate in other parts of your body, including face, ankles, and feet.

In addition, an imbalance of bacteria in your gut may also lead to bloating and excessive gas. To help you understand better, we are listing down the most common causes of abdominal bloating.

  • Dehydration
  • Hormonal changes
  • Infection
  • Digestive disorders
  • Constipation
  • Fluid retention
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Food allergies or sensitivities
  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Symptoms That Need Attention

Check for these symptoms and make an appointment with your doctor right away as they may be signs of additional illness:

  • Fever
  • Watery eyes and itchy throat
  • Allergic reactions
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Skin rashes or hives
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Blood in stool or urine
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog or trouble concentrating
  • Pain in lymph nodes, armpits or throats
  • Irregular periods
  • Hemorrhoids

Bloating Can Also Happen With Endometriosis and Candida

A recent medical study has revealed that over 90% of women with endometriosis and gastrointestinal symptoms state that and bloating is the one of the most common symptoms.

Moreover, Candida, which has recently emerged in several countries, is a hazardous health condition. It’s the most common type of yeast infection, which is found in the intestinal tract, vagina, and mouth. Research has discovered that intestinal distress, including bloating, is one of the prominent symptoms of Candida. The overgrowth of yeast in the intestines kills healthy bacteria, which causes chronic intestinal disorders.

Other than this, when you experience changes in your hormone levels, the hormonal imbalances cause your body to retain more fluid. As a result, you may often feel bloated before your periods or early in your pregnancy.

However, chronic bloating due to fluid accumulation can lead to severe health problems, such as kidney failure or diabetes.

What Can You Do About It? 

Luckily, there are many home remedies that can help reduce or eliminate the discomfort and pain caused by bloating. Here are some tips that may help you get rid of a bloated belly.

1.    Do Yoga

Some yoga poses can position your abdominal muscles in a way that it helps release excess gas from your gastrointestinal tract. Squats, child pose, and happy baby pose can help you relieve bloating.

2.    Go for a Walk

When you experience bloating, go for a walk; it will help the bowels move more regularly. It further helps release excess gas. A walk on the street around your home can provide fast relief.

3.    Try Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea can help alleviate the symptoms of indigestion, especially bloating. It works by relaxing your intestinal muscles, which further allows GI to release excess gas from your digestive tract.

4.    Massage with Essential Oils

Giving your belly a gentle massage can help get the bowels moving. Moreover, using essential oils may improve the condition and eradicate the abdominal pain and bloating. Don't like essential oils? No problem! Use Chiavaye as a massage oil instead! It's all-natural and like a super serum for skin.

5.    Take a Warm Bath

Taking a warm bath will provide relief to your distended stomach. However, once you’ve taken a bath, make sure to relax; it will help reduce stress levels and allow your digestive tract to function more effectively.

6.     Avoid Foods That Cause Inflammation

Women with endometriosis or food sensitivities know all about this! Certain foods can cause severe bloating and discomfort. Dairy, gluten, and add-sugar are the most common culprits. Eliminate one of them for 30 days and see how your body responds.

7.     Increase Water Intake

Dehydration is a big cause of bloat. Double or triple your water intake to benefit digestion and keep your body systems working smoothly. Add a little lemon to your water for added benefits.

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