Can Lube Cause Yeast Infections? What You Need To Know To Avoid the Discomfort
Yeast infections are the worst! Can I get an amen?
The itching, burning, and discharge are enough to drive you out of your mind. If you’ve experienced this unpleasantness before, you’ll probably do anything to avoid having one again.
But have you ever thought of the fact that some everyday products you use — personal lubricant, for example — could lead to infection? Can lube cause yeast infection symptoms?
Unfortunately, it’s a possibility. But using the right lube may not cause these problems, and could actually help prevent yeast infections. Keep reading to find out what ingredients you should look for in a lube and what to avoid at all costs.
Table of Contents
- Can Lube Give You a Yeast Infection?
- Common Symptoms of a Yeast Infection
- Does Lube Cause Yeast Infections? Avoid These Ingredients To Lessen Your Chances
- Can Expired Lube Cause a Yeast Infection?
- How To Avoid a Yeast Infection When Using Lube
- Chiavaye: An All-Natural Lubricant to Experience Pleasure Without the Pain
Can Lube Give You a Yeast Infection?
Yes, using the wrong kind of lube can give you a yeast infection. Scientists at UCLA studied almost 150 sexually active women ranging in age from 18 to 65. They discovered that those who used oil-based lubes increased their risk of yeast infection by 32%.
They also found that it upped their chances of contracting bacterial vaginosis by 22%.
But your takeaway from this shouldn’t be that it’s bad to use lube — only that you should be very particular about your brand. It’s the ingredients used in lube that can increase the risk of harm.
The Science Behind the Answer
A healthy vagina has a delicate balance of acidity and vaginal flora (the normal bacteria that live there). Anything that upsets that balance — including some ingredients found in certain lubes — can lead to an overgrowth of the fungus Candida, causing a yeast infection.
Yeast infections aren’t considered an STI, but it is possible to pass one along to your partner during sex.

Common Symptoms of a Yeast Infection
If you’ve ever had a yeast infection, you know how uncomfortable it can be. Some of the most common symptoms you may encounter include:
- Abnormal vaginal discharge — This thick, white emission is usually odorless and often compared to cottage cheese in appearance.
- Vaginal discomfort — You may experience extreme itching and burning in your vagina and vulva. You may also feel sore in these areas.
- Painful sex — With all the irritation in the vaginal area, skin-to-skin contact and friction can be extremely uncomfortable. It can also exacerbate symptoms and introduce new bacteria, making the infection even worse.
- Painful urination — Most people feel a strong burning sensation when they have a yeast infection and use the bathroom.
- Vulvar changes — You may experience redness or swelling of the vulva or even a rash in some cases.
Does Lube Cause Yeast Infections? Avoid These Ingredients To Lessen Your Chances
If you aren’t using the right kind of lube, it may cause you to develop a yeast infection. Not all lube ingredients are created equal. Read your labels, and don’t buy lubes that contain these substances.
Glucose or Sorbitol
Some people think it sounds fun to use flavored lube, but these usually contain glucose or sorbitol. Glucose is sugar and sorbitol is a sugar alcohol.
You wouldn’t ever want to put these things in your vagina, but that’s exactly what happens when you use these types of lubes. The presence of sugar creates a perfect breeding ground for yeast to grow.
Many companies add glycerin to lubes to make them more slippery. But this ingredient is very similar to glucose in that it encourages the growth of yeast and can lead to infection.
If you see acetate on your lube’s ingredient list, that means it contains alcohol. This ingredient can be drying and irritating to delicate vaginal skin.
Propylene Glycol
Many popular lubes use propylene glycol as a preservative to extend their shelf life. This ingredient can also cause extreme irritation.
Can Expired Lube Cause a Yeast Infection?
Some people play fast and loose with the expiration dates of their medical and personal products. But does it matter in this case?
It might.
Using expired lube could cause irritation or infection, so don’t take the risk — throw out any lube that’s past its prime.
How To Avoid a Yeast Infection When Using Lube
Some people can use any old lube and never get a yeast infection. But if you’re prone to them, have a sensitive vaginal area, or simply want the best for all parts of your body, your best bet is to use the highest-quality lubricant possible.
Chiavaye personal moisturizer and lubricant is all-natural, vegan, and hypoallergenic. It contains just six ingredients. And not only will these components not harm your body by increasing the risk of yeast infections, but they are also helpful in other ways.
Here’s our ingredient list and some of their benefits:
- Sunflower seed oil — Acts as a barrier for friction while retaining moisture and possibly boosting healing properties.
- Grapeseed oil — This powerhouse ingredient is anti-everything! Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and antihistamine (meaning it can relieve dry, itchy skin).
- Coconut oil — It’s nourishing, hydrating, and studies have even shown that it has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
- Almond oil — This natural pain reliever can also lock moisture into the skin and calm inflammation.
- Evening primrose oil — Evening primrose is an anti-inflammatory oil that has been used to treat PMS, endometriosis, and menopause symptoms.
- Vitamin E — This antioxidant may regenerate cells and promote blood circulation.
When you examine this list, it’s a no-brainer: do you want to use a lube that might cause nasty infections or one that can actually heal your body?
Other Ways To Decrease Your Chances of Getting a Yeast Infection
Whether you’re using lube or not, these tips can help those prone to yeast infections avoid that unpleasant experience.
Always Pee After Sex
Sex can introduce bacteria that may upset the vagina’s delicate balance. Peeing just after intercourse helps flush those bacteria away from the urethra.
Take Probiotics
Taking probiotic supplements can restore balance to the vaginal microbiome and aid in treating yeast infections.
It’s especially helpful to use probiotics if you’re taking an antibiotic, which can destroy good bacteria in the vagina and create an environment where yeast can grow more easily.
Don’t Douche — EVER!
Douching has fallen out of fashion in recent decades, but just in case you didn’t get the memo: it’s not only unnecessary, but it can also be harmful.
The vagina is self-sanitizing and doesn’t need any extra help to get clean besides warm water and maybe a bit of mild soap designed specifically for that area. Douching involves squirting fluids into your vagina with a special bottle, which can disrupt normal pH levels and can create a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.
Avoid Irritating Bath Products or Laundry Detergent
Bubble baths, scented laundry detergents, and the like can also disturb the vagina’s pH and cause yeast infections or other irritation. Try to use fragrance-free products or those designed specifically for sensitive skin if this is an issue for you.
Don’t Wear Your Sweaty Gym Clothes or Wet Bathing Suit Too Long
Yeast is a big fan of warm and wet environments. So if you’re sitting around too long after a swim or an intense workout, you may be encouraging its growth.
Try to change into fresh, dry clothes as soon as possible. You may also want to wear special underwear during exercise that’s designed to wick moisture away from the body.
Chiavaye: An All-Natural Lubricant to Experience Pleasure Without the Pain
You can trust Chiavaye because it wasn’t just created for sexual purposes, but with health needs in mind. Those suffering from symptoms of endometriosis, menopause, postpartum complications, or intimacy issues can all find help from our all-natural personal moisturizer and lubricant.
And if you don’t have any of those conditions but just want a great lube to rev up your sex life, you shouldn’t have to worry about something you put in your body causing you great distress down the road.
Chiavaye supplements the body’s natural lubrication with six all-natural ingredients chosen to hydrate and nourish your delicate skin. Our long-lasting formula is smooth, never sticky, and makes personal intimacy more enjoyable.
Your body has been good to you over the years — treat it right by buying Chiavaye today.