5 Best Ways To Reduce Endometriosis Pain Long-Term

Pain is a common symptom of endometriosis. 

And, it sucks.

I was once there. The pain was debilitating at times. All I could think about was getting some relief.

In those moments, I wish I knew what I know now. My life would've been a lot easier.

This guide will share five ways to reduce your pain long-term (this stuff has worked for me and lots of women).

What Causes Endometriosis Pain In The First Place?

To reduce pain, you need to know what's causing the pain and discomfort in the first place.  

When the tissue grows on the outer wall of the uterus, ovaries, near the rectum, bladder and fallopian tubes this causes endometriosis.  

The tissue thickens and causes irritation, discomfort, and lesions to these organs.

Endometriosis Is An Inflammatory Process

There are a number of different factors that cause endometriosis pain, but inflammation seems to be the biggest one. 

The inflammation occurs because of the toxins that occur in our bodies.  Our immune system begins trying to fight off these toxins. Knowing that endometriosis affects a woman's pelvic area and the battle of the immune system, pain may be severely felt in your pelvic area and back.

1. Eat An Anti-Inflammatory Endometriosis Diet

There are a couple of simple changes you can make in your diet that will greatly reduce pain and leave you feeling better. 

We've even created a grocery list that you can use.

What Should You Eat?

You should be eating anti-inflammatory foods. Foods that promote real healing (not foods that feed the inflammation and make it worse).

While you start opting for anti-inflammatory foods, I recommend that you take inventory of what you currently eat and how it makes you feel.  

Because, remember, every woman's body is different. 

Some women might eat a small amount of dairy and feel totally fine. Others might eat a protein bar where the 8th ingredient is "casein protein" and soon after they've got an endo belly and extreme pain.

So, think about it:

Do certain foods trigger you? What are those foods? Consider keeping a food journal to learn more about how food impacts your endometriosis symptoms.

Make small changes and jot down how you feel with those changes.   

On your next shopping trip, add a couple of the following to your shopping list:

  • Green Tea
  • Brussel Sprouts 
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Zucchini
  • Blueberries
  • Grapes
  • Fish
  • Flax Seeds - great in smoothies for a breakfast smoothie on the go
  • Tumeric 
  • Olive Oil

Also, consider juicing:

Juicing really helped me heal.

NOT the juice you're thinking of - no sugary orange juice-based drinks that LOOK green because they add a small amount of spinach at the end.

I'm talking about juicing beets, ginger, cabbage, celery, apples, carrots, and more. 

What Should You NOT Eat? 

You may have several of these foods in your home right now. You may love them, but they may be the culprit to much of your pain.  

Again, we are not saying to toss your entire kitchen just yet. Take notice of how you feel when you eat some of the other items you should NOT eat.  Keep a journal and write it down. 

  • Dairy 
  • Gluten
  • Soy
  • Frozen Dinner
  • Candy
  • Processed Foods
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee

2. Anti-Inflammatory Herbs


Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric.  

Curcumin naturally reduces the production of estrogen and is linked to reducing the tissues from forming around the uterus.  

By reducing the tissues forming around the uterus, pain and discomfort can be reduced.  


Resveratrol is a compound found mainly in grapes and red wines.  It is also present in some berries, peanuts, fungi, and legumes. 

This “miracle compound” shows studies in lowering the levels of two enzymes, MMP-2 and MMP-9.  These enzymes are associated with infertility and the development of endometriosis.  

Evening Primrose Oil

This could be my favorite of all.

Evening primrose oil is something that I know I will never be able to go without. When I run out of capsules (and forget to order more), I notice the difference.

This article about evening primrose oil shares more information about how beneficial it is.

3. Reduce Local Inflammation Through A Nourishing Personal Moisturizer

A personal moisturizer can helps reduce local inflammation when applied directly to vaginal skin.  

Let's look at an example of when a nourishing personal moisturizer may come in handy.  

Vacation time.  Pack yourself a mini personal moisturizer. Your diet may be thrown off a bit, or the hotel soap, pool or beach may cause havoc on your body.   

Keep a personal moisturizer around at all times that offer these great benefits for your comfort. 

  • All-natural, vegan ingredients
  • Gynecologist recommended
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Vaginal skin benefits with every use
  • Alleviate symptoms related to menopause and endometriosis
  • Enhance intercourse
  • Great for all stages of life
  • Supplements body's natural lubrication
  • Won't stain clothes or sheets
  • Long-lasting (approx. 4-6 months with regular use) 
  • Fragrance-Free. Hormone Free. Chemical Free.

4. Drink Enough Water

Are you drinking enough water?  

Remember to keep your body hydrated. We all hear that we should have at least 8 glasses of water a day. That "magic" number varies depending on the person. If you are active, you may need more on those particular days.  

  • Water helps protect sensitive tissues
  • Rids of waste through urination and bowel movements

Sipping warm water throughout the day can help reduce bloating. 

How Can Water Help Reduce Inflammation?

According to Water Benefits Health, lemon water is excellent for reducing inflammation.  

“Drinking lemon water will help with many of the side effect of endometriosis, such as nausea, indigestion, irritable bowel, constipation, diarrhea, allergy symptoms, and so forth.

Lemon water can also help to combat infections (such as urinary tract infections) and will help to reduce inflammation, the source of most pain in the body.”

5. Get Physically Active

There are many benefits to exercising.  

There's some scientific research that has shown that physically active women have a reduced risk of developing endometriosis.  

Certain physical activities may cause some women pain.  

Try doing light activity movements such as yoga and walking.  

Becoming physically active may also be a great time to apply personal lubrication to help alleviate any chaffing that may occur.  

How Can Physical Exercise Help Reduce Inflammation?

A study published by Brain, Behavior, and Immunity shows that 20 minutes of exercise a day can help reduce inflammation.  

These 20-minute sessions do not need to be intense.  Just get your body moving. A walk around the block, on the treadmill or at the mall.  Some light yoga or aerobics classes or videos are good too.  

Physical exercise triggers sympathoadrenergic activation. It then suppresses the production of monocytes; a white blood cell that helps fight bacteria and infections. TNF is a cytokine protein that helps the body bring the inflammatory cells to the injury.  

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